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  • Paine, Thomas - (1737-1809), British-American revolutionary and writer: Common Sense
  • Bandura, Albert - psychologist
  • Bryan, William Jennings - (1860-1925), U.S. Secretary of State
  • Campbell, Malcolm, Sir - land-speed record holder
  • Cale, John - (born 1942), musician
  • Carangi, Gia Marie - (1960-1986), fashion model
  • Ferry, Bryan - (born 1945), US singer-songwriter
  • Adler, Ada - (1878-1946), Danish scholar
  • Bartholomew, Dave - musician, composer, promoter
  • Baikie, William Balfour - (1824-1864)
  • Benet, Stephen Vincent - (1898-1943), poet
  • Bell, Gordon - (born 1934), computer engineer
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott - (1896-1940), US author
  • Laguerre, Enrique A. - (born 1906) Puerto Rican writer
  • Gang Hong-rip - (1560-1627), commander-in-chief
  • Taylor, Christine - (born 1971)
  • Borzage, Frank - (1893-1952), film director
  • Boyle, T. Coraghessan - author of The Road to Wellville, The Tortilla Curtain and A Friend of the Earth
  • Lachmann, Ludwig - (1906-1990), economist
  • Wallace, Bronwen - Canadian writer
  • Brooks, Terry - (born 1944), U.S. fantasy author
  • Bettelheim, Bruno - (1903-1990), child psychologist, psychiatrist
  • Cartwright, Nancy - (born 1957), actress
  • Berra, Yogi - (born 1925), US baseball player
  • Carr, John Dickson - (1906-1977), author
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